Auckland Grammar School

Often referred to as ‘The Grammar Way’, Auckland Grammar School sets its standards very high, demanding excellence across all aspects of daily life.

Auckland Grammar School is a state, day and boarding secondary school for boys in Epsom, Auckland, New Zealand. It was established in 1868. The school was originally situated on Howe Street in Freeman’s Bay, where Auckland Girls Grammar School is now located.

While providing young men with a rigorous education, each young man in turn is expected to pursue excellence in acquiring knowledge and skills while embracing the School’s values.

These values – integrity, excellence, respect, courage, pride, commitment and humility – are core to upholding the School’s position and vision of pre-eminence in boys’ secondary education.

Above all else, the primary objective of the School is to inspire in students a love of learning and a respect for knowledge across a wide variety of disciplines.


  • Auckland Grammar School Pre-Qualifications Programme (Pre-Q):

    Pre-Q is a pre-qualification curriculum and assessment programme, which aims to prepare students rigorously for study in the Senior School (Forms 6 and 7) and for high levels of academic achievement in Cambridge AS and A Level and NCEA Level 2 and Level 3 qualifications. Requirements for the Auckland Grammar School Honours Board: To be eligible for consideration for recognition on the School’s Honours Board, students must be studying in Form 6 or Form 7 and attend and make a genuine attempt in all Cambridge, NCEA and NZQA Scholarship examinations entered this year.

  • Dual Qualifications Pathway:

    NCEA and Cambridge qualifications are available for students in Forms 6 and 7. They offer students two pathways to tertiary entrance. The NCEA Pathway is Pre-Q/Limited NCEA Level 1 (Form 5), NCEA Level 2 (Form 6) and NCEA Level 3 (Form 7). The Cambridge Pathway is Pre-Q (Form 5), Cambridge AS (Form 6) and Cambridge AS and A2 (Form 7).

  • Junior students

    (those in Forms 3 and 4) study a major core of subjects consisting of English, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Languages and a minor core of Physical Education, Music, Art and Technology. No major core subject will consist of a course of less than one year’s duration. Form 5 students start a three-year programme that leads to University Entrance and/or further study in the tertiary sector with the introduction of Pre-Q, which replaced the IGCSE pathway.

  • National Certificate of Education Achievement (NCEA):

    The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) provides three senior secondary qualifications (NCEA Level 1, NCEA Level 2 and NCEA Level 3) and the NZQA Scholarship award.