Bethlehem College
Bethlehem College is an evangelical, non-denominational, co-educational Christian school, delivering education with a biblical, Christ-centred worldview, and upholding traditional Christian values and teaching. Bethlehem College is a special place. Visitors to the College frequently comment on the distinctive atmosphere of peace and tranquillity. Of course, some of this results from the natural beauty of the grounds, with their well established oaks and kauris, green fields and glimpses of the Wairoa River in the valley below. We hope, as you walk through Bethlehem College, that you will sense something of the environment that is distinct from the natural surroundings, and ultimately, more importantly a place set apart for God. Education is delivered in a spiritual context, where God is honoured as Creator of the universe, Lord of our lives and the redeeming Saviour of fallen mankind.
The Bible is honoured as the truth, and the basis for our outlook and practice. Learning is a process of guided discovery, where we are constantly seeking to apply biblical truth to all our thinking, and the actions and activity that result. As a state integrated school, we have a legal contract between the school and the Ministry of Education, entitling us to our Special Christian Character. Families seeking to enrol at Bethlehem College must be supportive of the school’s Special Christian Character, preferably demonstrated by membership of, or regular attendance at, an evangelical church.
All students will be given the opportunity to consider the implications of the Christian gospel for themselves, and to discover the life that God has planned for them. Our approach is one of teaching, modelling and example, allowing students freedom of choice and remaining committed to their best welfare. Teaching staff at Bethlehem College are committed Christians, seeking to help your child achieve a sound, balanced education, permeated by biblical thinking. They aim to apply Christian principles in their classroom culture and teaching practice, and they endeavour to model a Christian lifestyle in their daily lives.
There are aspects of our programme that are explicitly Christian. These include class devotions, scripture memorisation, prayers at assembly and in classes, Christian Living courses and CELP (Christians Embracing Lives of Purpose). The College’s desire is that we work together to nurture young men and women of God. Therefore, we invite parents to join with their children so they grow an understanding of God, his love and his purpose for their lives. The development of strong character and a determination to shape the moral, is very important to us. Aspects of our Christian philosophy that will particularly benefit character growth in students are:
• The balance between the individual and the community.
• The place of hospitality and service.
• The significance of biblical leadership.
• Our understanding of excellence.
BIBLICAL LEADERSHIP As the Bethlehem College Mission Statement affirms, we aim to prepare students for effective service and leadership. Some students have natural leadership abilities, while others prefer to be followers and part of the group. However, biblical leadership is based on the concept of good influence, and is an attribute that all students can develop, as they understand that they have the potential to significantly influence their world for good. In order to help students develop the power to influence, our programmes include:
• The gaining of knowledge and understanding of the Bible.
• The skills to think through issues.
• The development of good communication and speaking skills.
• Opportunities for leadership within the many sports teams, cultural groups, academic pursuits and service activities.
• Other opportunities for leadership in student councils, and as senior leaders and house captains.
• Peer Support leadership for Years 12 and 13 students working in the Junior Secondary School
• Christian Studies in Years 12 and 13
It is our goal to prepare students to become men and women of God, who take an active positive role in their world, whether in study, business, home, church, sports, or government, where they will actively influence their sphere for good.
Classes at Bethlehem College are taught in English. That means it’s important your child can cope with the demands of studying language rich subjects, like English and History. As part of the application process, we test the language levels of all prospective students.
Once accepted to Bethlehem College, we encourage students to prepare for the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA), which is the national qualification system for New Zealand's senior secondary school students.
You can find out more about NCEA and our country’s educational qualifications on the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) website.
We keep you informed. Academic reports are completed in Terms 2 and 4. Copies of these reports are forwarded to parents and /or agents.
International Year 7-13 students also receive additional progress reports in Term 1.
For a full breakdown of the academic programme we offer, please have a look at the Course Handbooks.
At Primary level, good solid foundations are laid for your child’s future learning and life. The basics in literacy, numeracy, the arts, sports, and the social sciences will be established in a stimulating and caring atmosphere. Foundations for service, leadership and understanding God’s place in their lives are also pivotal.
Growth is the focus at Junior Secondary, Years 7 to 9, with hands-on and high energy activities, to capture the minds of the young adolescents. In these years, students are encouraged to manage their own learning with the support of a blended approach using iPads and paper.
At Senior Secondary level, Years 10 to 13, we seek to prepare students for young adulthood, by stretching them academically, physically, socially and spiritually. Students are encouraged to explore their future in depth and to understand how to live in, and engage with, the world. We want to prepare our students for the pressures and challenges of life beyond school, so that they are positive contributors to society, without sliding into conformity.
The Performing Arts form an integral part of the curriculum at Bethlehem College. As such, the basis of all performing arts activities is founded on the same principles and values as all other parts of the curriculum. It is also where the same key competencies are developed and encouraged in all students taking part. Cultural Captains, at both Junior Secondary and Senior levels, are selected for their passion, commitment and leadership skills.
Through sport, the College aims to provide opportunities for students to develop their character, and to realise their potential, in ways that will use their God given talents. The school offers students a wide range of sporting activities, more information is available on the college website. The College competes in tournaments, both at the Secondary and Junior Secondary levels, and participates in sports exchanges with other schools.
The concept of hospitality is important at Bethlehem College. Laws for the protection of the stranger and the vulnerable go back centuries to the ancient codes of the Hebrews found in the Old Testament. On enrolment at Bethlehem College, the welcome to your children will be the same whatever their heritage or nationality, whether they are academically inclined or struggling, whether they are artistically and athletically gifted, or not. Our goal is to make hospitality a hallmark of our culture here. We want to teach our students, in their day-to-day living, to be inclusive of their peers who are different from themselves. We want them to be tolerant of and welcoming to the vulnerable and weak. Alongside a willingness to welcome, is a heart for service. It is our hope that Bethlehem College will be a training ground for students to build into their lives an attitude of service, both within the College and beyond. Students will be encouraged to participate in the numerous opportunities for service at school, such as the Cancer Society Daffodil Day, Food Bank drives, the 40 Hour Famine, support of a community outreach through the Merivale Community Centre, and the senior student ‘Service Through Missions’ trips to the Pacific Islands and other nations