Western Heights High School

Western Heights High School is a State, Co-Educational Secondary School located in Rotorua, New Zealand.
Our student body is made of Year 9 to 13 students (12 to 18 years old). We have approximately 1200 students in total.
Our Ethnic make-up is over 50% M?ori, approximately 40% P?keh?/New Zealand European and the remaining 10% is made up mostly of Pacifica and Asian ethnicities. We have a small percentage of other ethnicities from the Americas and Europe.

Western Heights promotes a culture of ‘can do’. This means that we expect our students to attend every day possible, have an attitude of positivity, and achieve their personal best in whatever they participate in at school. Our mission statement expresses this: “Western Heights high School will provide every opportunity for students to excel and reach their individual peaks. Taumata Rau – Heights through opportunity”.

At Western Heights High School we are privileged to be able to provide extensive opportunities to our students. Our subject offerings are diverse and include a wide range of science, technology, and language options. We have a dual qualification pathway with both Cambridge and NCEA available. Alongside this our Trades and Gateway programmes offer experience and training for those who might take trade’s pathway. Heights students have continued to find success in academic, leadership and sporting fields, both nationally and internationally.

Our aim is to support and encourage all students, so they can successfully transition to further study, training and employment through WHHS, make well-informed career and tertiary study plans, and progress to build and manage successful, fulfilling careers.

Western Heights High School’s Careers Department aims to help students plan their subject choices successfully and help those about to leave school to transition successfully to further study or employment. We support applications for courses, scholarships, jobs and apprenticeships, as well as advise on alternative pathways for those not ready to transition directly into their chosen field.

Western Heights High School offers a wide range of sports and co-curricular activities. We have New Zealand national and international representatives in Volleyball, Mountain Biking, Rowing, Gymnastics, Basketball, Rugby, Rugby League, Touch, Hockey, Canoe Slalom and White water Kayaking, Martial Arts, Waka Ama, Archery, Windsurfing and Underwater Hockey!

We offer a huge range of activities for all levels of participants, from the most competitive athletes, through to social teams. If there is an activity that we do not offer at Western Heights, we will look to our local community for a club or group that will assist you to achieve your sporting goals.