Hillcrest High School

Hillcrest High School is a decile 7 co-educational secondary school with a roll of approximately 1750 students. Opened in 1972, the school has been successfully serving the Hillcrest community for nearly 50 years and during this time has developed a very positive reputation, regionally, and nationally for providing a quality educational experience for our students. We are a very inclusive school with a wide range of nationality groups refected in a diverse range of languages and cultures. We aim to provide every student the opportunity to excel and gain the qualifcations, skills and experiences that they require to assist in their future pathways.

Last year students across the nation experienced distance learning as schools closed due to COVID-19. We were fortunate at Hillcrest to have established Schoology, a learning management system that enabled teachers to provide work online and to monitor progress and make regular contact with their students. We are a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) school, so students already had experience with devices in their everyday learning. Next year we will be reshaping our junior curriculum, and introducing a programme and timetable that will support student well-being, engagement, achievement, and enhance our students future prospects in the senior school and beyond.

Our students are provided with an extensive range of activities involving Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC), sport, the Arts, performance and culture as well as numerous leadership and community based activities. These opportunities make a signifcant contribution to our school and in doing so add pride and school spirit, which are both essential in a successful school.

Hillcrest High School has an excellent reputation for academic achievement and the pastoral care of International Students.

 Our International Students represent a wide range of nationalities. We provide extensive curricular and extra-curricular opportunities with a highly efective pastoral care and guidance programme. Assessment and classroom placement is based on individual needs, abilities and future plans. ELL (English Language Learning) programmes are available if required. International Students can receive additional help from our Peer Tutors. These are senior students who volunteer to help students with orientation to school or in their academic studies. Our International Centre is a purpose built facility used as a teaching and administrative area and for a number of social activities.

 All levels of English Language Learning classes are held in the Centre plus tuition for small groups. Opening the sliding doors separating the classrooms gives space for cultural and social events. All International Students have the opportunity to attend our annual International Camp, held early in Term One. This is a great opportunity for new students to make friends, gain confdence and to experience diferent areas of great beauty and interest. They are accompanied by International and ELL staf members. The camps are held in a diferent place each year and students are ofered a programme mixing environmental education with New Zealand history. Students are invited to BBQ’s held at the Director’s home twice a year, along with social activities such as 10 pin bowling and dinner together in the city.


  • Careers

    The well-resourced Careers Centre ofers all students assistance with exploraton of post-school optons. Informaton regarding universites, apprentceships, polytechs, Te Wananga and employment, including job market data, can be accessed and discussed with staff.

  • NCEA

    NCEA pass rates are important to us, but more importantly is maintaining the academic rigor of NCEA to ensure that the qualifcatons students obtain are meaningful, can lead to the next level of learning and provide a positve and productve pathway to the future. 2020 was a challenging year for our students. However, we were stll able to produce some very credible NCEA results. Our Level 2 results were the best ever and our Excellence endorsements at all levels contnue to remain very high. Our students contnue to gain a signifcant number of Scholarship awards. We are contnuing to refne programmes designed to address students at risk of not achieving their NCEA and to reduce disparity. We are also planning for the changes to NCEA in readiness for implementaton in 2023.