Long Bay College


Our International Team provides a level of care and commitment that will quickly make you feel at home, ready to experience what New Zealand has to offer you. At Long Bay College you will find a world-class staff of expert teachers and highly capable administrators. This means our students grow into fine young men and women, thriving in a supportive culture of respect, and achieving highly in NCEA. This achievement is gained from knowing our students, understanding how we teach and learn, and supporting resilience.

2021 alone saw Long Bay College receive a new record high for New Zealand Scholarships. Amongst them, our 2021 DUX received a total of 7 scholarships (6 Outstanding), putting him second in New Zealand for the number of Outstanding Scholarships gained.

We have a diverse curriculum on offer, excelling in Academia, Art, Culture, and Sport. Our courses are robust and lead directly into further learning, be that an apprenticeship or a University degree.

Our focus on a holistic education means we value extra-curricular activities highly. We seek the very best tutors and coaches to work with our students, with the emphasis on developing the skills and talents of the children in our community.

Central to our college are our core values of Care, Respect, Creativity and Community.

Long Bay College’s Strategic Plan is focused on fostering a climate of safety, extraordinary care, and connectedness to develop, strong, healthy, and resilient students, staff and wh?nau. Providing an exceptional, responsive learning environment in which our staff and students’ needs are met through high quality, learning, and centred education.

Long Bay College is committed to enabling our students to be successful, confident and creative.

We fully support our International students settling into a new way of life, adapting to different systems and making friends in our community. Whether you choose to come to New Zealand to improve your English, experience a different culture and lifestyle, or complete your academic studies here, our dedicated, friendly staff will help you move forward and achieve success here.




  • Acceleration Courses

    For junior students, who have been identified as requiring extension in English and Mathematics, we offer additional timetabled support during each semester. Entrance into Year 9 accelerant courses is established during the enrolment process. There are recommended pathways, as prior experience of a subject is a strong indicator of future success. Note the progress of subjects from Year 11 through to Year 13 in the subject pathways. Some subjects are difficult to take up again if dropped early or may not go through to Year 13. Students will be selecting their options for 2022 in Term 3 via the web portal. This will follow discussions with their Atawhai leader. All students should consider the following for each course: Will I enjoy the course? Can I succeed at the subject?  Where does it lead? Senior students should also consider: What qualifications and future learning do my courses lead to o while at school? once I’ve left?  Does my learning programme help me meet the literacy and numeracy requirements o for NCEA? for University Entrance? Do all my courses together give me enough credits or grades for the qualifications that I want? Do all my courses together make up a manageable workload for me? New Zealand’s qualification for school learners is the National Certificate of Educational Achievement – NCEA. NCEA is a qualification on New Zealand’s National Qualifications Framework (NQF). NCEA is achievement based. Standards have been set in each area of learning. When students achieve these standards, they earn credits towards their NCEA qualification The NQF contains assessment standards: Credits from all achievement standards and unit standards count towards NCEA Achievement standards (AS) allow students to show the quality of their achievement in a standard – students can just achieve the standard, or achieve it with Merit or with Excellence. Unit standards (US), enable students to either achieve the standard by meeting the criteria or not achieve the standard. There are no merit or excellence grades. Some standards are assessed in school during the year (internally); other achievement standards are assessed externally, usually in end-of-year exams. All unit standards are internally assessed

  • Aspiring Scholars Programme

    We are delighted to offer a specialist enrichment programme for junior students who excel academically. Applications to the programme can be made through the enrolment process and will require entrance testing and evaluation of prior scholastic performance. Students selected to the programme will complete differentiated tasks across five junior curriculum classes to extend and engage them through the junior years.

  • Specialist Junior Programme

    One of the exciting feature of the Long Bay College Curriculum is our specialist junior programme. In Term Four, year 9 and 10 students move from their regular timetable to a specialist programme that supports them in their learning beyond the classroom. Students work with subject experts to produce and showcase a product. The opportunity fosters passions, drives authentic learning and cultivates our students’ sense of self management and ownership of their learning. Junior project options have been developed from across and beyond the New Zealand Curriculum. They include Rocketry, Forensic Science, Film Making, Mindfulness, Musical Theatre, Pop Art, Kapa Haka, Sports Psychology, Theatrical Poetry and many others.